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Free Barman Course
Course Details

The educational plan aims to provide skills useful for entering the world of work.


La partecipazione è gratuita. Verrà rilasciato un attestato di frequenza finale e
certificazione di competenza a fronte del raggiungimento dell’80% del monte ore totale.


The free, 80-hour course is aimed at all workers who are currently unemployed or unemployable and explores the following topics:

  • EXCEL The program window and data entry;
  • EXCEL Connecting data; formula and functions;
  • EXCEL Correcting formulas; plotting data;
  • EXCEL Mathematical and trigonometric functions; logical functions; statistical functions; nested functions
  • EXCEL Identify duplicates using conditional formatting; sort and filter data; search the contents of a cell;
  • EXCEL Protect a workbook, worksheet, and cell range;
  • EXCEL Charts; pivot tables; database functions; text functions (Text);
  • EXCEL Import and export data and POWERPOINT;
Tips and Orientation Guides

TIPS & TOOLBOX Useful tools and tips for navigating the world of work Toolbox career-counseling At the end of the…

Vocational guidance

CHECK CV &SOCIAL CHECK The “Check CV & Check Social” service is designed to analyze and optimizesocial personal branding, improve…

Investing in Italy’s artistic heritage to grow the country. Giovanni Valagussa, art historian and university lecturer.

There is a lack of public initiative, a country that has a large chunk of the world’s artistic heritage cannot reduce management costs, in the long run it is a suicidal choice. Not investing in one of the country’s main resources does not create the opportunity to make these resources more useful and leaves it in an absurd situation in some ways. The costs of heritage preservation are public but all that can be given of the profits is given to private individuals, in this situation of little public intervention a vicious circle is set in motion that leads nowhere.

Cookie Policy

Privacy Policy Companies Privacy Policy Apply Cookie Policy Cookie Policy Cookies consist of portions of code installed within the browser…

Privacy Policy Apply

Privacy Policy Aziende Privacy Policy Candidati Cookie Policy PRIVACY POLICY FOR CANDIDATES Disclosure pursuant to Art. 13 of the European…

Privacy Policy Companies

Privacy Policy Aziende Privacy Policy Candidati Cookie Policy PRIVACY POLICY FOR COMPANIES. Disclosure pursuant to Art. 13 of the European…

Funded Training

FORMAZIONE FINANZIATA For workers and apprentices FUNDED TRAINING Job Farm has been designing and delivering training courses for over thirty…

Preselection Internships

PRESELECTIONS STAGE SportelloStage offers a support service to activate extracurricular internships in the country. Intermediate Service The recruiter structures the…


Apprenticeship Open-ended employment contract aimed at training and youth employment The apprenticeship contract Apprenticeship is an open-ended employment contract aimed…


CONTRACT TYPE (2023) Sportellostage. is part of JobFarm, the network that unites vocational training and the world of work….

Internship Offers

JOBFARM GO This new platform is the result of our more than a decade of experience; it will enable us…

Internship Offer 5

…Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi pisicing elit  sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua….


The internship is aimed at acquiring the methodology of the caregiver selection process and applying it during the selections scheduled to begin in March 2023. The project is carried out under the Human Resources/Planning service.


The resource will support the daily activities of the payroll department


The internship is aimed at the practical application and development of knowledge on internal communication and CSR, with the goal of informing and engaging employees, in line with corporate and Group communication policies.

Youth Guarantee Lazio

YOUTH GUARANTEE LOMBARDY SportelloStage offers a support service to activate extracurricular internships in the country. L’attesa è finita!È partita la…

Lombardy Youth Guarantee

YOUTH GUARANTEE LAZIO SportelloStage offers a support service to activate extracurricular internships in the country. L’attesa è finita!È partita la…


APPRENTICATION Mandatory Training Apprentices APPRENTICESHIP CATALOG ACTL is present in the Apprenticeship Catalogue of the Province of Milan and the…

Free Courses UNDER 30

Età compresa tra i 30 e i 65 anni; Residenza o Domicilio in Lombardia; Essere beneficiario di Cassa Integrazione Essere…

Free Sommelier Course

The free, 80-hour course delves into data management with EXCEL, analysis and diagram creation in addition to a review of Microsoft Word and Powerpoint

Free Security Operator Course

The free, 80-hour course delves into data management with EXCEL, analysis and diagram creation in addition to a review of Microsoft Word and Powerpoint

Free Digital Marketing Course

The free, 80-hour course delves into data management with EXCEL, analysis and diagram creation in addition to a review of Microsoft Word and Powerpoint

Free Tailoring Course

The free, 80-hour course delves into data management with EXCEL, analysis and diagram creation in addition to a review of Microsoft Word and Powerpoint

Free Pizzaiolo Course

The free, 80-hour course delves into data management with EXCEL, analysis and diagram creation in addition to a review of Microsoft Word and Powerpoint

Free Course for Baker

The free, 80-hour course delves into data management with EXCEL, analysis and diagram creation in addition to a review of Microsoft Word and Powerpoint

Free Accounting Course

The free, 80-hour course delves into data management with EXCEL, analysis and diagram creation in addition to a review of Microsoft Word and Powerpoint

Free Cook and Chef Course

The free, 80-hour course delves into data management with EXCEL, analysis and diagram creation in addition to a review of Microsoft Word and Powerpoint

Free Course in Exel and Powerpoint

The free, 80-hour course delves into data management with EXCEL, analysis and diagram creation in addition to a review of Microsoft Word and Powerpoint

Interview with Giordano Pampaloni – teacher of the assistant chef course

One of the fundamental things about teaching is the ability to pass on what you have learned; play-force you have to be lucky to have had a great teacher/great

Internship Activation

ACTIVITIES STAGE SportelloStage offers a support service to activate extracurricular internships in the country. The regions in which we activate…

Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)
Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)
Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)
Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)
Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)
Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)
Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)
Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)
Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)

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Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)

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Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)

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Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)

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Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)

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Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)

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Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)

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Portfolio Lorem Ipsum (Demo)

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404 page (Demo)

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Human Resources (Demo)

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Industrial Growth Fund (Demo)

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Short Term Loans (Demo)

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Business Consulting (Demo)

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Short Term Loans (Demo)

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Business Consulting (Demo)

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Business marketing (Demo)

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Business Consulting (Demo)

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Human Resources (Demo)

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Industrial Growth Fund (Demo)

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Business marketing (Demo)

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Business Consulting (Demo)

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The innovative, cross-cutting concept in the Giambellino neighborhood

Stradedarts was born spontaneously out of our passion, first, for Graffiti Writing and then for Street Art. We are based in Milan’s zone 6, where we took our first steps, breathing new life into abandoned walls and actually giving them back to the community. Our value has always been this, beauty, seen through these cultures and languages, which have been able to transform “non-places” into true open-air museums. We tried to give something back to our territory, to the place where we were born and where we still love to work.

App Development (Demo)

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Web Project (Demo)

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Villa For Rent (Demo)

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Real Estate 02 (Demo)

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Photography Dark (Demo)

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Video Project (Demo)

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Photography Light (Demo)

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Architecture Project (Demo)

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Industrial Growth Fund (Demo)

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Short Term Loans (Demo)

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Business marketing (Demo)

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Business Consulting (Demo)

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Human Resources (Demo)

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Certainly an initial result was to help more than 2.000 bright young people to present ethical business ideas, several of which have then seen practical implementation, then like any sowing, you have to wait for the harvest; 5 better 10 years have to pass to see if the sowing has been successful, that is, the time it takes for almost 100 of our brilliant winners to establish themselves and become decision makers: in fact, today we can see how winners of the first editions behave ethically when the situation arises, famous example and Cristian Fracassi with a respirator mask during the pandemic, but also others less known.

Business Consulting (Demo)

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Short Term Loans (Demo)

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Human Resources (Demo)

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Business Marketing (Demo)

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Industrial Growth Fund (Demo)

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Business Consulting (Demo)

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Business Consulting (Demo)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum

Business Consulting (Demo)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum

Human Resources (Demo)

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Industrial Growth Fund (Demo)

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Short Term Loans (Demo)

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Business Consulting (Demo)

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Business Marketing (Demo)

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Free Course in Human Resources

The free, 80-hour course delves into data management with EXCEL, analysis and diagram creation in addition to a review of Microsoft Word and Powerpoint


Job Farm seeks, for prestigious Hotel located in Naples, a resource to be placed in an extra-curricular internship in the role of Receptionist.

App Development (Demo)

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Web Project (Demo)

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Villa For Rent (Demo)

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Real Estate 02 (Demo)

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Photography Dark (Demo)

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video-project (Demo)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum

Photography Light (Demo)

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Architecture Project (Demo)

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Business Marketing (Demo)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum

Business Consulting (Demo)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum

Human Resources (Demo)

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Short Term Loans (Demo)

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Industrial Growth Fund (Demo)

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Marina Verderajme President President of Job Farm and Editor-in-Chief of Job Farm News, she has been involved in training, employment,…

Workplace safety

TRAINING SAFETY E-learning safety training E-learning safety training We implement, through a web-based platform dedicated to safety training, mandatory e-learning…

Business Consulting (Demo)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum

Who we are

FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS WORLD Sportellostage. is part of Job Farm, the network that unites…

Free Courses OVER 30

Età compresa tra i 30 e i 65 anni; Residenza o Domicilio in Lombardia; Essere beneficiario di Cassa Integrazione Essere…


INTERNSHIP OBSERVATORY Since 2012, it has started a permanent Observatory on internships. The Observatory is aimed at improving and implementing…


WORK INTERNSHIPS TRAINING Sportellostage is ACTL’s portal dedicated to candidates and companies looking to create new pathways into the world…

Advertising & Ci Trendy (Demo)

Advertising & CI Trendy Style Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore…

Branding & Consulting Trendy Style (Demo)

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt…

Branding & Consulting Trendy Style (Demo)

PROPERTY DETAILClientCompany NameDate 20 Feb, 2018 Skill Business Consulting Price 500$ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem…

Advertising & Ci Trendy (Demo)

Advertising & CI Trendy Style Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore…

Modern & Clean Design Concept (Demo)

Easily Enable Gallery Slider

Clean & Trendy Layout (Demo)

Easily Enable Gallery Slider

Modern & Clean Design Concept (Demo)

Easily Enable Gallery Slider

Clean & Trendy Layout (Demo)

PROPERTY DETAILClientCompany NameDate 20 Feb, 2018 Skill Business Consulting Price 500$ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem…

Real Estate 01 (Demo)

LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET CONSECTETUR Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut…

App Development (Demo)

DESCRIPTION Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua….

Branding & Cosulting (Demo)


Architecture Project (Demo)

LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET CONSECTETUR Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut…

App Development (Demo)

DESCRIPTION Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua….

Clean Minimalism (Demo)


Advertising & CI (Demo)

LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET CONSECTETUR Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut…

Real Estate 02 (Demo)

DESCRIPTION Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua….

Villa For Rent (Demo)


Branding & Cosulting (Demo)

LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET CONSECTETUR Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut…

Architecture Project (Demo)

DESCRIPTION Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua….

App Development (Demo)



main advantages Euro Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametcon sectetur adipisicing elit, sed doiusmod tempor incidi labore et dolore magna Sterling…

Tips and Orientation Guides

TIPS & TOOLBOX Useful tools and tips for navigating the world of work Toolbox career-counseling At the end of the…

Vocational guidance

CHECK CV &SOCIAL CHECK The “Check CV & Check Social” service is designed to analyze and optimizesocial personal branding, improve…

Investing in Italy’s artistic heritage to grow the country. Giovanni Valagussa, art historian and university lecturer.

There is a lack of public initiative, a country that has a large chunk of the world’s artistic heritage cannot reduce management costs, in the long run it is a suicidal choice. Not investing in one of the country’s main resources does not create the opportunity to make these resources more useful and leaves it in an absurd situation in some ways. The costs of heritage preservation are public but all that can be given of the profits is given to private individuals, in this situation of little public intervention a vicious circle is set in motion that leads nowhere.