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Certainly an initial result was to help more than 2.000 bright young people to present ethical business ideas, several of which have then seen practical implementation, then like any sowing, you have to wait for the harvest; 5 better 10 years have to pass to see if the sowing has been successful, that is, the time it takes for almost 100 of our brilliant winners to establish themselves and become decision makers: in fact, today we can see how winners of the first editions behave ethically when the situation arises, famous example and Cristian Fracassi with a respirator mask during the pandemic, but also others less known.

Lifebility Award, now in its 14th year, was created with the idea of promoting a competition that would sow the seeds of ethics in bright young people with innovative ideas. What results did the award produce?

Certainly an initial result was to help more than 2.000 bright young people to present ethical business ideas, several of which have then seen practical implementation, then like any sowing, you have to wait for the harvest; 5 better 10 years have to pass to see if the sowing has been successful, that is, the time it takes for almost 100 of our brilliant winners to establish themselves and become decision makers: in fact, today we can see how winners of the first editions behave ethically when the situation arises, famous example and Cristian Fracassi with a respirator mask during the pandemic, but also others less known.

You recently came up with Lifebility for Humanities to engage young people not necessarily from technology backgrounds on the topic of ethics. Do you want to draw an initial balance?

For the Humanities component, only one year is a short time to understand whether the youth audience has correctly interpreted it and is participating in the project: however, the first projects that have arrived are very satisfactory and I suggest reading the SYNOPSIS (brief introduction) on the LBHUMANITIES. COM – participate in the contest.

A few days ago, the well-known actress Jodie Foster, in an interview that is causing discussion, branded young workers as “Irritating, listless, without ethics.” Is this really the case?

The judgment is very caustic but not far from the truth although one cannot generalize: young people today are bombarded with negative information that incites violence as in the songs of successful rappers. Fortunately, a good percentage are predisposed to do better (unfortunately, little is said about them) and the small SMART percentage of our competitors who accept the LIFEBILITY challenge bode well, to date at least 2,000 young people have participated and I am convinced that the ETHICAL message has taken root in a good portion of them even if they did not win.

Over the years, including through the Lifebility Award, you have met hundreds of young people. Their motivational drivers in choosing employment include corporate values, flexibility, and feedback. Are our enterprises equipped?

Problems always need to be localized, different is the attitude in industrial areas linked to megacities than in manufacturing areas on a more human-scale territory such as our Veneto or Emilia-many companies unfortunately are not sensitive enough to the proper management of HR even though they are becoming more and more aware of it. Many bright young people are in danger of being let down, but my perception is that these young people face the problem with a determination to change it from within which is the best possible attitude.

What does it mean to be an ethical entrepreneur today? Is it possible to combine ethics and values with business results?

One section of LIFEBILITY’s activities is to identify ethical entrepreneurs to offer as examples to young people, a second step will be to take up the concepts of Company Social Responsibility and see how entrepreneurs can apply it in their business and not as is often the case today just make it a post business showcase.

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Visit site: Lifebility Award